Selasa, 26 April 2011

Various Japanese Mushroom

Shiitake are one the most popular mushrooms in Japanese cooking, and are also well known outside of Japan. They are available fresh or dried, with the latter being soaked in water before being used. Shiitake mushrooms can be found in various dishes such as nabe (hot pot) dishes, boiled dishes and tempura.

Maitake mushrooms are another very popular mushroom in Japanese cuisine. They grow in large colonies and are sometimes referred to as the king of mushrooms.

Bunashimeji is another very popular, cultivated mushroom.

Matsutake are highly priced gourmet mushrooms, that cannot be cultivated and are available only in autumn. They are found under pine trees (matsu), and are most valuable when picked just before surfacing with the umbrella still closed. Matsutake are enjoyed in various ways such as grilled or cooked with rice.

Even though they look differently, nametake and enoki are actually the same mushroom. The yellow nametake is the wild version and a popular ingredient for miso soups and noodle dishes, while the white Enoki is the cultivated version and is often found in hot pot dishes.

Hiratake is the Japanese name for oyster mushrooms. There are many cultivated varieties of hiratake, some of which look quite differently from each other. Eringi is a popular example of a cultivated hiratake

Senin, 18 April 2011

Jamur Beracun

Ada banyak jamur disekitar kita yang tumbuh di sembarang tempat. Untuk itu kita perlu mewaspadai akan jamur beracun. berikut ciri-ciri jamur beracun :
* Jamur beracun memiliki cawan atau cincin pada pangkal batangnya.
* Jamur beracun akan mengeluarkan bau seperti telur busuk atau bau amoniak.
* Biasanya jamur beracun itu semakin indah warnanya akan semakin beracun. Contohnya warna merah, kuning, hitam, biru, oranye dan lain-lain. Namun, ada juga yang warnanya putih, lho.

* Jika jamur beracun dipotong, maka akan meninggalkan noda atau warna hitam atau biru pada pisau stainless steel.
* Kalau dimasak, warna jamur beracun akan berubah menjadi kehitam-hitaman atau gelap dengan cepat.
Berikut ini tanda-tanda seseorang keracunan jamur secara umum adalah muntah, mual, pusing, dan buang-buang air setelah makan atau minum jamur. Wah kalau sudah begini cepat-cepat dibawa ke dokter terdekat.
Untuk amannya, jika kamu ingin makan jamur belilah di toko yang menyediakan jamur yang sudah siap dimasak atau dimakan.